by Creative Imagineering | Sep 3, 2019 | Content Marketing, Digital Agency, dropshipping, eCommerce, Integrated Marketing, Online Business, Website Design and Development
eCommerce – Advantages and Disadvantages The exciting news for wannabe eCommerce entrepreneurs is that worldwide online sales are expected to grow to $4 trillion by 2020. (Now that is a lot of ZAR’s). It’s important to stay excited and motivated when starting a...
by Creative Imagineering | Jul 27, 2019 | Digital Agency, Imagineers News, Technology
Google never fails to surprise with regular algorithm changes and constant innovation. Gmail recently celebrated their 15th birthday, so we thought it opportune to take a closer look at what we can expect from the world’s largest search engine giant today and in the...
by Creative Imagineering | Dec 3, 2018 | Digital Agency, Integrated Marketing, society, Technology
When buzzwords like ‘Artificial Intelligence’ and ‘Machine Learning’ are the latest office topic, do you A) nod awkwardly and quickly google ‘AI’, or B) churn out a mention of Tesla and Elon Musk,or C) confidently state that most jobs will be...
by Creative Imagineering | Dec 3, 2018 | Digital Agency, society, Technology, Website Design and Development
According to the 16th Annual US Employee Benefits Trends Study, most employers are not scared of the impact of AI in the workplace. In fact, they welcome it. ” Of the employees surveyed for the study, 49 % said they had a positive view of automation, while 24 %...
by Creative Imagineering | Jun 29, 2018 | Digital Agency, Imagineers News, Technology, Uncategorised
Drones are becoming more prolific worldwide. They can deliver medical supplies, make dangerous jobs safer and protect endangered species. Some are even planting trees and fighting fires! However, their potential is hampered by regulations in many countries as...