The Marketing Media Mix – Media is getting complex: Keep your message clean.
PR is key still best to generate attention and affection.
Presently, we belong to an “instant” news culture.Powerful new media tools are introduced almost daily. Walter Lippman stated in 1927,wrote 67 years ago , ”The publicity machine will have become mechanically perfect when anyone anywhere can see and hear anything that is going on anywhere else in the world.”
Websites and social media are first-hand, up-to-date and real time channels for reliable news. News can be broken by anyone due to platforms like twitter and Facebook. This however does not remove the need for trained PR and media professionals, even though social media has become an integral part of PR. Furthermore, businesses need to think about their public image and their brand personality. It is not best practice to separate the activities and aims of marketing and PR departments.
“In the main, public relations professionals are evolving from social media enthusiasts to digital professionals. They are becoming more familiar with the technical aspects of key platforms, and increasingly skilled in the strategic application of their multimedia fluency for meaningful public relations.” – Wendy Masters
However all things considered, a marketing agency who has an in-house media strategist working with a PR professional has also understood: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” ― Aristotle. A group of people working together can accomplish more than each of them working alone.
Any PR campaign that doesn’t involve work on the company website and social media, or an advertising campaign that doesn’t involve PR is not giving a brand the full service. To accomplish a successful communication with your public and to grow your companies brand personality you need to clean up your messy marketing message. By using an integrated marketing service the “marketing mix” becomes more measured. It is easier to control the variety of disciplines and how they overlap and are increasingly inter-reliant. It’s this integrated approach which is needed in order to truly develop an organisation’s voice.
So what role does PR actually play in this marketing mix?
Well if the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, then PR shares the same objective with all other elements of the marketing mix – to build awareness of the brand, change people’s attitudes towards it and ultimately, sell the products.
Taking social media, blogging and the web into account, the real knack of PR people is more and more about developing a two-way communication. This establishes your company’s personality, giving it a voice to build relationships in the market.Working as part of an integrated marketing team, there are now even bigger prospects for PRs to work across all these channels concurrently.
#Digital media #Mediacommunication #Digital technology #integrated marketing #PR #marketing media mix
Lisa Leathes