by Creative Imagineering | Oct 12, 2017 | Digital Agency, Graphic Design, Imagineers News, Website Design and Development
The actual costs of setting up a website With all the options available to you, WordPress, Joomla, HTML and free options such a Wix, how do you know which one to use? It’s a bit like facing a supermarket shelf and having to decide which cereal to buy. Today we just...
by Creative Imagineering | Sep 15, 2017 | Artist, Graphic Design, Integrated Marketing
Creative Imagineering teams up with Vespa for a custom designed scooter Be the architect of your personal brand Be the architect of your personal brand As business owners, we invest thousands of rands and hours in strategic think-tanks crafting our business strategy...
by Creative Imagineering | Sep 13, 2017 | Digital Agency, Integrated Marketing
Why WordPress updates are so important to keep your website healthy and functional. It is common knowledge, that personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself (and others) from falling ill. The same is true for your website. It doesn’t matter...
by Creative Imagineering | Sep 1, 2017 | Digital Agency, Imagineers News
The #girlgeeks get creative with our women’s month event. It was a Top-Secret evening. The Geek Girls were whisked off to an unknown location for an evening of creativity at @JanetCeramics and ‘Paint your Plate’ to celebrate Women’s month. Part of the Secret...
by Creative Imagineering | Aug 16, 2017 | Digital Agency, Integrated Marketing
The old adage – to put all the eggs in one basket – comes to mind when considering adopting a sound marketing strategy. It is becoming increasingly evident that the distinction between digital and traditional marketing is blurring. Marketers need to...