When to redesign your website
If you are considering when to redesign your website, then it is most probably time for a remodel. A website redesign or makeover can be a big project. You may be putting it off due to the money and time it will take, but it is the wisest investment you could be making right now. If your website is not mobile friendly, or you have new functionalities you may like to add, then you may need to ask yourself these questions:

1. Is your website responsive?
I am sure you have heard the phrases “mobile-friendly” and “responsive” somewhere before. Yes, it’s now a trend (see here). Mobile web usage is growing rapidly and people use their mobile phones for everything these days. Why? Because it’s convenient. By Incorporating responsive design into your new website, you will be assured of reaching a larger audience that you would with a website that’s not mobile-friendly.

2. Does your website link to your social media?
If your website doesn’t feature social media in some way, you are way behind the times (and probably behind your competitors too). Including links to your social network profiles is a bare necessity – even better is adding social sharing tools that make it easy for users to share, tweet, or pin your content. Redesigning your website can help make it easier for users to connect with you socially and spread the word about your business via their social networks.

3. Does your website have a blog, forum, e-commerce or any special tools?
If you want to add a blog, forum, e-commerce, or other major features or tool to your website, a redesign is probably in order. In this way you can ensure that everything flows seamlessly and that the user experience is put first. You are also assured that you will not be presenting a website that looks as though the new feature has just been tacked on as an afterthought.

4. Is your website producing results?
Maybe your website looks very eye-pleasing and the design is beautiful…but for some reason you’re still not getting the customer results that you had hoped for. A great looking website can be fantastic at times, but if it’s not converting its visitors into customers for your business, then what more is it then just an inadequate brochure for your services? It may be time to have someone look at the conversion rates of your website and have them properly tweaked to generate more leads and customers from the traffic coming to the site. Call to actions will need to be properly implemented in order to capture the visitors’ interest. They should want to know more about your business, and navigate deeper when they log onto your website.

5. Has your competition updated their website causing your customers to jump base?
Have you noticed that your competition seems to be growing faster than normal? They may have a redesigned website that seems to be working? It might be time to play catch-up and take one step ahead of them by generating an online marketing strategy that will boost you back on top. Take some time to look at how your competitions’ website flows and then meet with an online marketing team that can help to optimize your web presence and grow your customer base.